Title : Cytotoxic effects of FGF2-saporin on bovine epithelial lens cells in vitro.

Pub. Date : 1995 Nov

PMID : 7591632

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Because FGF2 binds to heparin, FGF2-saporin was incubated with HSM PMMA IOLs; excess toxin was washed off, and the BEL cells were grown on the FGF2-saporin-treated IOLs (HSM and non-HSM) for 4 days. Heparin fibroblast growth factor 2 Bos taurus
2 The ability of FGF2-saporin to prevent the growth of cells on the IOL surface was strictly dependent on the presence of heparin on the IOL. Heparin fibroblast growth factor 2 Bos taurus