Title : Glycine-induced CA1 excitotoxicity in the rat hippocampal slice.

Pub. Date : 1995 Jul 10

PMID : 7583235

3 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Glycine-induced CA1 excitotoxicity in the rat hippocampal slice. Glycine carbonic anhydrase 1 Rattus norvegicus
2 We evaluated the effects of glycine exposure upon CA1 evoked response in the rat hippocampal slice. Glycine carbonic anhydrase 1 Rattus norvegicus
3 Exposure to 10 mM glycine for 16 min, produced rapid neuronal firing and increased orthodromic population spike (PS), followed by loss of CA1 neural transmission. Glycine carbonic anhydrase 1 Rattus norvegicus