Title : The influence of uncoordinated histidines on iron release from transferrin. A chemical modification study.

Pub. Date : 1986 Oct 5

PMID : 3759950

4 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 The influence of uncoordinated histidines on iron release from transferrin. Histidine transferrin Homo sapiens
2 Histidine residues that influence the chelate-mediated removal of iron from transferrin have been investigated. Histidine transferrin Homo sapiens
3 Diferric human serum transferrin was chemically modified to various extents using ethoxyformic anhydride, a reagent for histidines. Histidine transferrin Homo sapiens
4 There are 18 histidine residues in transferrin. Histidine transferrin Homo sapiens