Title : Calmodulin N-methyltransferase. Partial purification and characterization.

Pub. Date : 1986 May 25

PMID : 3700427

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Three moles of methyl/mol of calmodulin were incorporated into lysine 115 of des(methyl)calmodulin, resulting in the formation of 1 mol of trimethyllysine at the site normally methylated in calmodulins from most species. trimethyllysine calmodulin 1 Rattus norvegicus
2 Three moles of methyl/mol of calmodulin were incorporated into lysine 115 of des(methyl)calmodulin, resulting in the formation of 1 mol of trimethyllysine at the site normally methylated in calmodulins from most species. trimethyllysine calmodulin 1 Rattus norvegicus