Title : JMJD2C mediates the MDM2/p53/IL5RA axis to promote CDDP resistance in uveal melanoma.

Pub. Date : 2022 Apr 25

PMID : 35468881

1 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Following overexpression or silencing of JMJD2C/MDM2/p53/IL5RA, the 50% concentration of inhibition (IC50) and the biological characteristics of MUM-2B and MUM-2B/CDDP cells were examined using CCK-8 assay, SA-beta-gal staining, fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis, and Transwell assay. 2-(2-quinolinyl)-1H-indene--1,3(2H)-dione-6'-sulfonic acid tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens