Title : Cooperative miRNA-dependent PTEN regulation drives resistance to BTK inhibition in B-cell lymphoid malignancies.

Pub. Date : 2021 Nov 8

PMID : 34750354

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1 We now show that the BTKi ibrutinib and a second-generation compound, acalabrutinib downregulate miRNAs located in the 14q32 miRNA cluster region, including miR-494, miR-495, and miR-543. ibrutinib microRNA 494 Homo sapiens
2 Additionally, unlike ibrutinib-sensitive CLL patient samples, those with resistance to ibrutinib treatment, demonstrated upregulation of 14q32 cluster miRNAs, including miR-494, miR-495, and miR-543 and decreased pten mRNA expression. ibrutinib microRNA 494 Homo sapiens
3 Additionally, unlike ibrutinib-sensitive CLL patient samples, those with resistance to ibrutinib treatment, demonstrated upregulation of 14q32 cluster miRNAs, including miR-494, miR-495, and miR-543 and decreased pten mRNA expression. ibrutinib microRNA 494 Homo sapiens