Title : Full-length cDNA sequence analysis of 85 avian leukosis virus subgroup J strains isolated from chickens in China during the years 1988-2018: coexistence of 2 extremely different clusters that are highly dependent upon either the host genetic background or the geographic location.

Pub. Date : 2020 Jul

PMID : 32616241

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 The results of entropy analysis of the sequences of gag, pol, and env revealed that the env gene had the largest variation, and the gag gene nonconserved sites are mainly concentrated in p19, p10, and p12. Glycosaminoglycans endogenous retrovirus group K member 20 Homo sapiens
2 The results of entropy analysis of the sequences of gag, pol, and env revealed that the env gene had the largest variation, and the gag gene nonconserved sites are mainly concentrated in p19, p10, and p12. Glycosaminoglycans endogenous retrovirus group K member 20 Homo sapiens