Title : Association of Anti-TNF with Decreased Survival in Steroid Refractory Ipilimumab and Anti-PD1-Treated Patients in the Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry.

Pub. Date : 2020 May 1

PMID : 31988197

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1 Association of anti-TNF with decreased survival in steroid refractory ipilimumab and anti-PD1 treated patients in the Dutch Melanoma Treatment Registry. Steroids tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens
2 Among patients experiencing severe toxicity, survival was significantly decreased in patients who received anti-TNF +/- steroids for steroid-refractory toxicity compared to patients who were managed with steroids only (HRadj 1.61; 95%CI 1.03-2.51), with a median OS of 17 months and 27 months, respectively. Steroids tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens
3 However, this survival advantage is abrogated when anti-TNF is administered for steroid-refractory toxicity. Steroids tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens