Title : Recombinant Dual-target MDM2/MDMX Inhibitor Reverses Doxorubicin Resistance through Activation of the TAB1/TAK1/p38 MAPK Pathway in Wild-type p53 Multidrug-resistant Breast Cancer Cells.

Pub. Date : 2020

PMID : 31892970

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Recombinant Dual-target MDM2/MDMX Inhibitor Reverses Doxorubicin Resistance through Activation of the TAB1/TAK1/p38 MAPK Pathway in Wild-type p53 Multidrug-resistant Breast Cancer Cells. Doxorubicin tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 Therefore, the recombinant dual-target MDM2/MDMX inhibitor could reverse doxorubicin resistance via the activation of the TAB1/TAK1/p38 MAPK pathway in wild-type p53 multidrug-resistant BC. Doxorubicin tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens