Title : A chemiluminescence biosensor for lysozyme detection based on aptamers and hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme modified sandwich-rod carbon fiber composite.

Pub. Date : 2019 Aug 1

PMID : 31036225

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 In our work, aptamers and hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme modified sandwich-rod graphene quantum dots @ graphene oxide @ carbon fiber composite (DNAzyme/L-Apt/GQDs@GO@CF) was successfully prepared for sensitive and selective chemiluminescence (CL) detection of lysozyme (LZM). Graphite lysozyme Homo sapiens
2 In our work, aptamers and hemin/G-quadruplex DNAzyme modified sandwich-rod graphene quantum dots @ graphene oxide @ carbon fiber composite (DNAzyme/L-Apt/GQDs@GO@CF) was successfully prepared for sensitive and selective chemiluminescence (CL) detection of lysozyme (LZM). Graphite lysozyme Homo sapiens