Title : Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism 309T>G in the MDM2 Promoter Determines Functional Outcome After Stroke.

Pub. Date : 2018 Oct

PMID : 30355102

3 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Moreover, oxygen and glucose deprivation promoted MDM2 binding with p53 in neurons. Oxygen tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 Disruption of the MDM2-p53 interaction with nutlin-3a, or MDM2 knockdown by siRNA, triggered p53 accumulation, which increased neuronal susceptibility to oxygen and glucose deprivation-induced apoptosis. Oxygen tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
3 Disruption of the MDM2-p53 interaction with nutlin-3a, or MDM2 knockdown by siRNA, triggered p53 accumulation, which increased neuronal susceptibility to oxygen and glucose deprivation-induced apoptosis. Oxygen tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens