Title : Interaction of a spin-labeled phenylalanine analogue with normal and sickle hemoglobins: detection of site-specific interactions through spin-label-induced 1H NMR relaxation.

Pub. Date : 1986 Sep 23

PMID : 3022799

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1 Transverse 1H NMR relaxation measurements have been used to investigate the interaction of SL-Phe with hemoglobin molecules by use of the resonances assigned to the C2 protons of the beta 2 His, the beta 143 His, and the beta 146 or beta 97 His residues as intrinsic probes. Histidine potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M regulatory beta subunit 2 Homo sapiens
2 Distance calculations using the paramagnetically induced relaxation data suggest that the SL-Phe binding site is approximately 12-16 A away from the C2 protons of the beta 2 His and the beta 146 or beta 97 His residues in the (carbonmonoxy)hemoglobin tetramer; for deoxyhemoglobin, the distances are approximately 14-17 A between the SL-Phe binding site and the C2 protons of the beta 2 His, the beta 143 His, and the beta 146 His residues. Histidine potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M regulatory beta subunit 2 Homo sapiens