Title : Ceramide Signaling and p53 Pathways.

Pub. Date : 2018

PMID : 30060809

7 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Ceramides, important players in signal transduction, interact with multiple cellular pathways, including p53 pathways. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 However, the relationship between ceramide and p53 is very complex, and mechanisms underlying their coregulation are diverse and not fully characterized. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
3 We discuss the recent studies, which underscore the function of p53 in the regulation of ceramide pathways and the reciprocal regulation of p53 by ceramide. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
4 We discuss the recent studies, which underscore the function of p53 in the regulation of ceramide pathways and the reciprocal regulation of p53 by ceramide. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
5 This complex relationship is based on several molecular mechanisms including the p53-dependent transcriptional regulation of enzymes in sphingolipid pathways, the activation of mutant p53 through ceramide-mediated alternative splicing, as well as modulation of the p53 function through direct and indirect effects on p53 coregulators and downstream targets. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
6 This complex relationship is based on several molecular mechanisms including the p53-dependent transcriptional regulation of enzymes in sphingolipid pathways, the activation of mutant p53 through ceramide-mediated alternative splicing, as well as modulation of the p53 function through direct and indirect effects on p53 coregulators and downstream targets. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
7 This complex relationship is based on several molecular mechanisms including the p53-dependent transcriptional regulation of enzymes in sphingolipid pathways, the activation of mutant p53 through ceramide-mediated alternative splicing, as well as modulation of the p53 function through direct and indirect effects on p53 coregulators and downstream targets. Ceramides tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens