Title : Pentoxifylline, dexamethasone and azithromycin demonstrate distinct age-dependent and synergistic inhibition of TLR- and inflammasome-mediated cytokine production in human newborn and adult blood in vitro.

Pub. Date : 2018

PMID : 29715306

5 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 PTX preferentially inhibited pro-inflammatory cytokines especially TNF. Pentoxifylline tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens
2 (PTX+DEX) synergistically decreased LPS- and LPS/ATP-induced TNF, IL-1beta, and IL-6, and R848-induced IL-1beta and interferon-alpha, while (PTX+AZI) synergistically decreased induction of TNF, IL-1beta, and IL-6. Pentoxifylline tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens
3 (PTX+DEX) synergistically decreased LPS- and LPS/ATP-induced TNF, IL-1beta, and IL-6, and R848-induced IL-1beta and interferon-alpha, while (PTX+AZI) synergistically decreased induction of TNF, IL-1beta, and IL-6. Pentoxifylline tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens
4 Synergistic inhibition of TNF production by (PTX+DEX) was especially pronounced in newborn vs. adult blood and was accompanied by reduction of TNF mRNA and enhancement of IL10 mRNA. Pentoxifylline tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens
5 Synergistic inhibition of TNF production by (PTX+DEX) was especially pronounced in newborn vs. adult blood and was accompanied by reduction of TNF mRNA and enhancement of IL10 mRNA. Pentoxifylline tumor necrosis factor Homo sapiens