Title : Transcriptional repression of Aurora-A gene by wild-type p53 through directly binding to its promoter with histone deacetylase 1 and mSin3a.

Pub. Date : 2018 Jan 1

PMID : 28884479

2 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 Treatment with trichostatin A (TSA), a HDAC1 inhibitor, disrupted the interaction of p53-HDAC1-mSin3a complex with the nucleotides -365~-345 region, and enhanced the Aurora-A promoter activity and gene expression. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 Treatment with trichostatin A (TSA), a HDAC1 inhibitor, disrupted the interaction of p53-HDAC1-mSin3a complex with the nucleotides -365~-345 region, and enhanced the Aurora-A promoter activity and gene expression. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens