Title : Serum retinol in post-partum mothers and newborns from an impoverished South African community where liver is frequently eaten and vitamin A deficiency is absent.

Pub. Date : 2017 Jan

PMID : 26564246

3 Functional Relationships(s)
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Protein Name
1 Raised CRP was found in 59.9% of mothers, with a significant negative correlation between serum retinol and CRP (r = -0.273; p < 0.0001). Vitamin A C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
2 Raised CRP was found in 59.9% of mothers, with a significant negative correlation between serum retinol and CRP (r = -0.273; p < 0.0001). Vitamin A C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
3 Serum retinol may be influenced by factors other than vitamin A status, e.g. the haemodilution of pregnancy, as well as the acute phase response induced by the birth process, as suggested by raised CRP in 60% of mothers. Vitamin A C-reactive protein Homo sapiens