Title : Regulation of the high-affinity choline transporter activity and trafficking by its association with cholesterol-rich lipid rafts.

Pub. Date : 2014 Mar

PMID : 24127780

4 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 The sodium-coupled, hemicholinium-3-sensitive, high-affinity choline transporter (CHT) is responsible for transport of choline into cholinergic nerve terminals from the synaptic cleft following acetylcholine release and hydrolysis. Acetylcholine solute carrier family 5 member 7 Homo sapiens
2 The sodium-coupled, hemicholinium-3-sensitive, high-affinity choline transporter (CHT) is responsible for transport of choline into cholinergic nerve terminals from the synaptic cleft following acetylcholine release and hydrolysis. Acetylcholine solute carrier family 5 member 7 Homo sapiens
3 The sodium-coupled choline transporter CHT moves choline into cholinergic nerve terminals to serve as substrate for acetylcholine synthesis. Acetylcholine solute carrier family 5 member 7 Homo sapiens
4 CHT association with cholesterol-rich rafts is critical for its function, and alterations in plasma membrane cholesterol could diminish cholinergic transmission by reducing choline availability for acetylcholine synthesis. Acetylcholine solute carrier family 5 member 7 Homo sapiens