Title : In vivo corneal oxygen uptake during soft-contact-lens wear.

Pub. Date : 2013 May 17

PMID : 23572108

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1 RESULTS: Average corneal oxygen uptake rates at open eye during SCL wear for 10 subjects wearing 12 different commercial lenses vary from 2 to 10 muL(STP)/cm(2)/h. Oxygen thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 Homo sapiens
2 High oxygen permeability lenses have uptake rates of -10 muL(STP)/cm(2)/h, in close agreement with our previously obtained no-lens human uptake rates of 9 to 13 muL(STP)/cm(2)/h at open eye. Oxygen thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 Homo sapiens
3 High oxygen permeability lenses have uptake rates of -10 muL(STP)/cm(2)/h, in close agreement with our previously obtained no-lens human uptake rates of 9 to 13 muL(STP)/cm(2)/h at open eye. Oxygen thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 Homo sapiens