Title : Conformations of the central transforming region (Ile 55-Met 67) of the p21 protein and their relationship to activation of the protein.

Pub. Date : 1990 Sep

PMID : 2279848

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 The GTP-binding p21 protein, encoded by the ras-oncogene, becomes transforming if amino acid substitutions are made at critical positions in the polypeptide chain, e.g., at Gly 12, Gly 13, Ala 59, Gln 61 and Glu 63. Glycine H3 histone pseudogene 16 Homo sapiens
2 The GTP-binding p21 protein, encoded by the ras-oncogene, becomes transforming if amino acid substitutions are made at critical positions in the polypeptide chain, e.g., at Gly 12, Gly 13, Ala 59, Gln 61 and Glu 63. Glycine H3 histone pseudogene 16 Homo sapiens