Title : p53 in trichostatin A induced C6 glioma cell death.

Pub. Date : 2011 May

PMID : 21376104

5 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 p53 in trichostatin A induced C6 glioma cell death. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 RESULTS: TSA activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK), leading to p53 phosphorylation and activation. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
3 CONCLUSIONS: TSA may cause C6 cell apoptosis through activating p38MAPK-p53 cascade resulting in Bax expression and survivin suppression. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
4 GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: TSA-induced p53 activation may occur through p53 modification by phosphorylation or by acetylation via IKK inactivation. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
5 GENERAL SIGNIFICANCE: TSA-induced p53 activation may occur through p53 modification by phosphorylation or by acetylation via IKK inactivation. trichostatin A tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens