Title : Association of urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and serum C-reactive protein.

Pub. Date : 2010 Jan

PMID : 19836015

2 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 Intermediate levels of 2-hydroxyphenanthrene (49-148ng/g creatinine), and 9-hydroxyfluorene (161-749ng/g creatinine) were also significantly associated with elevated CRP compared to the respective reference categories. Creatinine C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
2 Intermediate levels of 2-hydroxyphenanthrene (49-148ng/g creatinine), and 9-hydroxyfluorene (161-749ng/g creatinine) were also significantly associated with elevated CRP compared to the respective reference categories. Creatinine C-reactive protein Homo sapiens