Title : Selective lithium inhibition of hormonal phosphaturic responses.

Pub. Date : 1976 Apr

PMID : 177756

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1 Renal lithium content was increased substantially after the larger dose of PTH and was diminished slightly after db-cAMP and the larger dose of vasopressin. Lithium arginine vasopressin Rattus norvegicus
2 These results indicate that lithium interferes with the phosphaturic responses to certain dosages of pth and vasopressin and suggest that renal lithium reabsorption and tissue lithium uptake may in part determine the extent of this cation-hormonal interaction. Lithium arginine vasopressin Rattus norvegicus
3 In addition, a competitive type of interaction between lithium and vasopressin is postulated. Lithium arginine vasopressin Rattus norvegicus