Title : Impact of 6-hydroxydopamine lesions and cocaine exposure on mu-opioid receptor expression and regulation of cholinergic transmission in the limbic-prefrontal territory of the rat dorsal striatum.

Pub. Date : 2007 Mar

PMID : 17425581

4 Functional Relationships(s)
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1 In the limbic-prefrontal territory of the dorsal striatum, enkephalin inhibits the NMDA-evoked release of acetylcholine directly through micro-opioid receptors (MORs) located on cholinergic interneurons and indirectly through MORs of output neurons of striosomes. Acetylcholine proenkephalin Rattus norvegicus
2 Accordingly, the direct enkephalin-MOR control of acetylcholine release was preserved after 6-hydroxydopamine treatment and lost after cocaine exposure. Acetylcholine proenkephalin Rattus norvegicus
3 Accordingly, the indirect enkephalin-MOR control of acetylcholine release disappeared in the 6-hydroxydopamine situation but surprisingly, despite preservation of MORs in striosomes, disappeared after cocaine treatment. Acetylcholine proenkephalin Rattus norvegicus
4 Showing that MORs of striosomes are still functional in this situation, the MOR agonist [D-Ala(2),N-Me-Phe(4),Gly(5)-ol]-enkephalin inhibited the NMDA-evoked release of acetylcholine after cocaine exposure. Acetylcholine proenkephalin Rattus norvegicus