Title : The toxicology of aflatoxins as a basis for public health decisions.

Pub. Date : 2002 Nov

PMID : 12435844

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1 The improvements in exposure assessment and their application in prospective epidemiological studies and the demonstration of a specific mutation in the TP53 gene in hepatocellular carcinomas from areas of high aflatoxin exposure have contributed significantly to the classification of aflatoxins as human carcinogens. Aflatoxins tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens
2 The improvements in exposure assessment and their application in prospective epidemiological studies and the demonstration of a specific mutation in the TP53 gene in hepatocellular carcinomas from areas of high aflatoxin exposure have contributed significantly to the classification of aflatoxins as human carcinogens. Aflatoxins tumor protein p53 Homo sapiens