Title : RNA polymerase-cNMP-ligated cAMP receptor protein (CRP) mutant interactions in the enhancement of transcription by CRP mutants.

Pub. Date : 2000 Oct 27

PMID : 10934201

6 Functional Relationships(s)
Compound Name
Protein Name
1 The cNMP-ligated CRP and mutants were cAMP, cGMP, and cIMP ligated with CRP, T127L CRP, S128A CRP, and T127L/S128A CRP. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
2 The transcriptional activation of a 152-base pair lacUV5 promoter (synlac promoter) with a CRP consensus binding site sequence (syncon promoter) was enhanced by an average factor of 12.3 +/- 0.5 with the cAMP-ligated complexes of CRP/mutants and cGMP-ligated T127L, although their promoter binding site affinities varied by a factor of 5. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
3 The transcriptional activation of a 152-base pair lacUV5 promoter (synlac promoter) with a CRP consensus binding site sequence (syncon promoter) was enhanced by an average factor of 12.3 +/- 0.5 with the cAMP-ligated complexes of CRP/mutants and cGMP-ligated T127L, although their promoter binding site affinities varied by a factor of 5. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
4 However, in the presence of bound RNA polymerase, the binding affinities only ranged from 0.8 +/- 0.2 x 10(7) m(-)(1) for cAMP-ligated CRP* to 1.8 +/- 0. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
5 3 x 10(7) m(-)(1) for cAMP-ligated CRP, indicating that the CRP/mutant interacts with the bound RNA polymerase, which would account for the near constancy of the enhancement factors. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens
6 3 x 10(7) m(-)(1) for cAMP-ligated CRP, indicating that the CRP/mutant interacts with the bound RNA polymerase, which would account for the near constancy of the enhancement factors. Cyclic AMP C-reactive protein Homo sapiens