7 Article(s)Download |
PMID | Title | Pub. Year | #Total Relationships |
1 | 32975930 | Controlled Natural Biomass Deoxygenation Allows the Design of Reusable Hot-Melt Adhesives Acting in a Multiple Oxygen Binding Mode. | 2020 Oct 7 | 1 |
2 | 33266095 | The Effect of Ni Interlayer on the Hot-Rolled and Quenched Stainless Steel Clad Plate. | 2020 Nov 30 | 1 |
3 | 31027290 | Diffusive Steel Scrap Melting in Carbon-Saturated Hot Metal-Phenomenological Investigation at the Solid⁻Liquid Interface. | 2019 Apr 25 | 2 |
4 | 20414304 | Possible thermochemical disequilibrium in the atmosphere of the exoplanet GJ 436b. | 2010 Apr 22 | 1 |
5 | 15377091 | Evaluation of a pencil beam algorithm for therapeutic carbon ion beam in presence of bolus. | 2004 Aug | 1 |
6 | 20048818 | On the possibility of excitation heating of ions to high temperature. | 1966 Feb 1 | 1 |
7 | 13186537 | [Effects of hot carbon gas on dental tissue: its applications in carbanesth technic]. | 1954 Apr | 1 |