PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 9873003-5 1999 The existence of protein kinase-PP2A complexes in rat brain soluble extracts was further substantiated by the following results: 1) independent immunoprecipitation of the kinases revealed that PP2A co-precipitated with p70 S6 kinase and the two PAK isoforms; 2) glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins of p70 S6 kinase and PAK3 each isolated PP2A; and 3) PAK3 and p70 S6 kinase bound to microcystin-Sepharose (an affinity resin for PP2A-PP1). microcystin 389-400 p21 (RAC1) activated kinase 1 Rattus norvegicus 245-248