PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 9864372-7 1998 However, exposure of S52A-expressing mice to the hepatotoxins, griseofulvin or microcystin, which are associated with K18 ser52 and other keratin phosphorylation changes, resulted in more dramatic hepatotoxicity as compared with WT K18-expressing mice. microcystin 79-90 keratin 18 Mus musculus 118-121 9864372-7 1998 However, exposure of S52A-expressing mice to the hepatotoxins, griseofulvin or microcystin, which are associated with K18 ser52 and other keratin phosphorylation changes, resulted in more dramatic hepatotoxicity as compared with WT K18-expressing mice. microcystin 79-90 keratin 18 Mus musculus 232-235