PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 8962094-3 1996 Recombinant calmodulin restored ATP-dependent nuclear transport in the absence of cytosol. Adenosine Triphosphate 32-35 CaM5 Triticum aestivum 12-22 8962094-5 1996 We propose that release of intracellular calcium stores upon cell activation inhibits GTP-dependent nuclear transport; the elevated cytosolic calcium then acts through calmodulin to stimulate the novel GTP-independent mode of import. Calcium 41-48 CaM5 Triticum aestivum 168-178 8962094-5 1996 We propose that release of intracellular calcium stores upon cell activation inhibits GTP-dependent nuclear transport; the elevated cytosolic calcium then acts through calmodulin to stimulate the novel GTP-independent mode of import. Guanosine Triphosphate 86-89 CaM5 Triticum aestivum 168-178 8962094-5 1996 We propose that release of intracellular calcium stores upon cell activation inhibits GTP-dependent nuclear transport; the elevated cytosolic calcium then acts through calmodulin to stimulate the novel GTP-independent mode of import. Calcium 142-149 CaM5 Triticum aestivum 168-178 8962094-5 1996 We propose that release of intracellular calcium stores upon cell activation inhibits GTP-dependent nuclear transport; the elevated cytosolic calcium then acts through calmodulin to stimulate the novel GTP-independent mode of import. Guanosine Triphosphate 202-205 CaM5 Triticum aestivum 168-178