PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 845438-4 1977 Since the accumulation of basophils in delayed cutaneous basophilic hypersensitivity (CBH) reactions may occur in part because of chemotaxis to C5a, and since C5a can induce histamine release, histamine inhibition of chemotaxis may limit basophil infiltration in CBH lesions. S-(D-CARBOXYBUTYL)-L-HOMOCYSTEINE 86-89 complement C5a receptor 1 Homo sapiens 144-147 845438-4 1977 Since the accumulation of basophils in delayed cutaneous basophilic hypersensitivity (CBH) reactions may occur in part because of chemotaxis to C5a, and since C5a can induce histamine release, histamine inhibition of chemotaxis may limit basophil infiltration in CBH lesions. S-(D-CARBOXYBUTYL)-L-HOMOCYSTEINE 86-89 complement C5a receptor 1 Homo sapiens 159-162 845438-4 1977 Since the accumulation of basophils in delayed cutaneous basophilic hypersensitivity (CBH) reactions may occur in part because of chemotaxis to C5a, and since C5a can induce histamine release, histamine inhibition of chemotaxis may limit basophil infiltration in CBH lesions. S-(D-CARBOXYBUTYL)-L-HOMOCYSTEINE 263-266 complement C5a receptor 1 Homo sapiens 159-162