PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 34832913-4 2021 The best inhibitors described so far (leptomycin B and SINE compounds) interact with XPO1 through a covalent interaction with Cys528 located in the NES-binding cleft of XPO1. leptomycin B 38-50 exportin 1 Homo sapiens 85-89 34832913-4 2021 The best inhibitors described so far (leptomycin B and SINE compounds) interact with XPO1 through a covalent interaction with Cys528 located in the NES-binding cleft of XPO1. leptomycin B 38-50 exportin 1 Homo sapiens 169-173