PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 32811645-0 2020 Neferine sensitized Taxol-resistant nasopharygeal carcinoma to Taxol by inhibiting EMT via downregulating miR-130b-5p. neferine 0-8 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 106-114 32811645-0 2020 Neferine sensitized Taxol-resistant nasopharygeal carcinoma to Taxol by inhibiting EMT via downregulating miR-130b-5p. Paclitaxel 20-25 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 106-114 32811645-0 2020 Neferine sensitized Taxol-resistant nasopharygeal carcinoma to Taxol by inhibiting EMT via downregulating miR-130b-5p. Paclitaxel 63-68 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 106-114 32811645-7 2020 Further through Microarray based analysis, we found that miR-130b-5p was stably down-regulated after treating 5-8F/Taxol with NEF. Paclitaxel 115-120 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 57-65 32811645-8 2020 Later we verified that up-regulation of miR-130b-5p could not only promote the EMT-related migration/invasion, but also impair the inhibition effects of NEF on the EMT-associated metastatic ability and the chemotherapy resistance to Taxol. Paclitaxel 233-238 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 40-48