PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 32445551-5 2020 Testosterone supplementation increased ATP levels, mitochondrial complex V activity, and ATP6, ATP8 and ATP5C1 expression in the substantia nigra of the rats. Testosterone 0-12 ATP synthase 6, mitochondrial Rattus norvegicus 89-93 32445551-5 2020 Testosterone supplementation increased ATP levels, mitochondrial complex V activity, and ATP6, ATP8 and ATP5C1 expression in the substantia nigra of the rats. Testosterone 0-12 ATP synthase 8, mitochondrial Rattus norvegicus 95-99 32445551-5 2020 Testosterone supplementation increased ATP levels, mitochondrial complex V activity, and ATP6, ATP8 and ATP5C1 expression in the substantia nigra of the rats. Testosterone 0-12 ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma Rattus norvegicus 104-110 32445551-8 2020 Thus, testosterone enhanced mitochondrial complex V function in the substantia nigra of aged male rats by upregulating ATP6 and ATP8. Testosterone 6-18 ATP synthase 6, mitochondrial Rattus norvegicus 119-123 32445551-8 2020 Thus, testosterone enhanced mitochondrial complex V function in the substantia nigra of aged male rats by upregulating ATP6 and ATP8. Testosterone 6-18 ATP synthase 8, mitochondrial Rattus norvegicus 128-132