PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 32118359-5 2020 However, miR-326 was significantly downregulated in TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 70-75 microRNA 326 Homo sapiens 9-16 32118359-5 2020 However, miR-326 was significantly downregulated in TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 70-75 transforming growth factor beta 1 Homo sapiens 52-61 32118359-6 2020 MiR-326 mimics robustly decreased the collagen I and fibronectin levels and inhibited cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 126-131 microRNA 326 Homo sapiens 0-7 32118359-6 2020 MiR-326 mimics robustly decreased the collagen I and fibronectin levels and inhibited cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 126-131 transforming growth factor beta 1 Homo sapiens 108-117 32118359-9 2020 Moreover, exogenous TNFSF14 effectively reversed the inhibitory effects of miR-326 overexpression on the expression levels of collagen I and fibronectin, and promoted cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 207-212 TNF superfamily member 14 Homo sapiens 20-27 32118359-9 2020 Moreover, exogenous TNFSF14 effectively reversed the inhibitory effects of miR-326 overexpression on the expression levels of collagen I and fibronectin, and promoted cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 207-212 microRNA 326 Homo sapiens 75-82 32118359-9 2020 Moreover, exogenous TNFSF14 effectively reversed the inhibitory effects of miR-326 overexpression on the expression levels of collagen I and fibronectin, and promoted cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 207-212 fibronectin 1 Homo sapiens 141-152 32118359-9 2020 Moreover, exogenous TNFSF14 effectively reversed the inhibitory effects of miR-326 overexpression on the expression levels of collagen I and fibronectin, and promoted cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs. asmcs 207-212 transforming growth factor beta 1 Homo sapiens 189-198 32118359-10 2020 In conclusion, miR-326 suppressed matrix protein deposition and cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs via inhibiting TNFSF14. asmcs 104-109 microRNA 326 Homo sapiens 15-22 32118359-10 2020 In conclusion, miR-326 suppressed matrix protein deposition and cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs via inhibiting TNFSF14. asmcs 104-109 transforming growth factor beta 1 Homo sapiens 86-95 32118359-10 2020 In conclusion, miR-326 suppressed matrix protein deposition and cell proliferation of TGF-beta1-treated ASMCs via inhibiting TNFSF14. asmcs 104-109 TNF superfamily member 14 Homo sapiens 125-132