PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 31676069-6 2020 Treatment of KHYG-1 cells with leptomycin B, a specific XPO1 inhibitor, increased the expression of GrB and IFN-gamma but did not potentiate lysis of specific target cells, suggesting that the cargo of XPO1 contributes to the expression of cytolytic genes but that this alone is insufficient to enhance cytolysis. leptomycin B 31-43 exportin 1 Homo sapiens 56-60 31676069-6 2020 Treatment of KHYG-1 cells with leptomycin B, a specific XPO1 inhibitor, increased the expression of GrB and IFN-gamma but did not potentiate lysis of specific target cells, suggesting that the cargo of XPO1 contributes to the expression of cytolytic genes but that this alone is insufficient to enhance cytolysis. leptomycin B 31-43 exportin 1 Homo sapiens 202-206