PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 28951211-4 2017 Our findings show that the high fat diet or palmitic acid treatment significantly increase hepatic miR-194 levels in vivo and in vitro. Palmitic Acid 44-57 microRNA 194-1 Mus musculus 99-106 28951211-5 2017 Silence of miR-194 protects palmitic acid-induced inflammatory response in cultured hepatocytes, and attenuates structural disorders, lipid deposits and inflammatory response in fatty liver. Palmitic Acid 28-41 microRNA 194-1 Mus musculus 11-18 28951211-6 2017 MiR-194 inhibitor also improves glucose and insulin intolerance in obese mice. Glucose 32-39 microRNA 194-1 Mus musculus 0-7