PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 25547017-5 2015 Cells were transfected with microRNA mimics/inhibitor/scramble of miR-130b using Lipofectamine. Lipofectamine 81-94 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 66-74 25547017-9 2015 Similar to human SSc, the same expression patterns of miR-130b, PPARgamma, and fibrosis-related genes were observed in the bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis model; TGF-beta induced the expression of miR-130b and fibrosis-related genes expression, but downregulated the expression of PPARgamma. Bleomycin 123-132 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 54-62 25547017-9 2015 Similar to human SSc, the same expression patterns of miR-130b, PPARgamma, and fibrosis-related genes were observed in the bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis model; TGF-beta induced the expression of miR-130b and fibrosis-related genes expression, but downregulated the expression of PPARgamma. Bleomycin 123-132 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma Homo sapiens 64-73 25547017-9 2015 Similar to human SSc, the same expression patterns of miR-130b, PPARgamma, and fibrosis-related genes were observed in the bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis model; TGF-beta induced the expression of miR-130b and fibrosis-related genes expression, but downregulated the expression of PPARgamma. Bleomycin 123-132 transforming growth factor beta 1 Homo sapiens 162-170 25547017-9 2015 Similar to human SSc, the same expression patterns of miR-130b, PPARgamma, and fibrosis-related genes were observed in the bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis model; TGF-beta induced the expression of miR-130b and fibrosis-related genes expression, but downregulated the expression of PPARgamma. Bleomycin 123-132 microRNA 130b Homo sapiens 197-205 25547017-9 2015 Similar to human SSc, the same expression patterns of miR-130b, PPARgamma, and fibrosis-related genes were observed in the bleomycin-induced skin fibrosis model; TGF-beta induced the expression of miR-130b and fibrosis-related genes expression, but downregulated the expression of PPARgamma. Bleomycin 123-132 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma Homo sapiens 281-290