PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 23222894-6 2013 Rapamycin, but not tacrolimus, induced a pro-antitumor phenotypic shift from CD62LCD44 effector memory Tc cells to CD62LCD44 central memory Tc cells, which featured up-regulated levels of T-bet and Eomes and preserved levels of interferon-gamma and perforin. Sirolimus 0-9 T-box 21 Mus musculus 188-193 23222894-6 2013 Rapamycin, but not tacrolimus, induced a pro-antitumor phenotypic shift from CD62LCD44 effector memory Tc cells to CD62LCD44 central memory Tc cells, which featured up-regulated levels of T-bet and Eomes and preserved levels of interferon-gamma and perforin. Sirolimus 0-9 eomesodermin Mus musculus 198-203 23222894-6 2013 Rapamycin, but not tacrolimus, induced a pro-antitumor phenotypic shift from CD62LCD44 effector memory Tc cells to CD62LCD44 central memory Tc cells, which featured up-regulated levels of T-bet and Eomes and preserved levels of interferon-gamma and perforin. Sirolimus 0-9 interferon gamma Mus musculus 228-244