PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 22432862-3 2012 Especially important in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis is the regiospecific cyclization of a linear, preassembled polyketide chain catalyzed by aromatase/cyclase (ARO/CYC), which serves as a key control point in aromatic ring formation. Polyketides 33-43 cytochrome c, somatic Homo sapiens 169-172 22432862-3 2012 Especially important in aromatic polyketide biosynthesis is the regiospecific cyclization of a linear, preassembled polyketide chain catalyzed by aromatase/cyclase (ARO/CYC), which serves as a key control point in aromatic ring formation. Polyketides 116-126 cytochrome c, somatic Homo sapiens 169-172