PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 16880257-5 2006 In addition, T-bet-/- mice showed a marked increase in production of the IL-23-dependent cytokine IL-17 by heart-infiltrating lymphocytes, and in vivo IL-17 depletion markedly reduced EAM severity in T-bet-/- mice. molibresib 184-187 T-box 21 Mus musculus 13-18 16880257-5 2006 In addition, T-bet-/- mice showed a marked increase in production of the IL-23-dependent cytokine IL-17 by heart-infiltrating lymphocytes, and in vivo IL-17 depletion markedly reduced EAM severity in T-bet-/- mice. molibresib 184-187 interleukin 17A Mus musculus 151-156