PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 16802689-5 2006 At 6 h, hepatic caspase-3 activity was elevated by CBH diet alone as high as that of the GalN-injected control-diet group, and the activity was not elevated further by GalN. S-(D-CARBOXYBUTYL)-L-HOMOCYSTEINE 51-54 caspase 3 Rattus norvegicus 16-25 16802689-8 2006 These results suggest that dietary CBH elevates hepatic caspase-3 activity and reduces hepatic glycoprotein concentration, and may imply that CBH would suppress GalN-hepatitis not at the early- or middle-step of apoptosis but at the late-step of apoptosis or necrosis, although the relation between these phenomena and the alleviative effects of CBH and Neo on GalN-induced hepatitis is yet to be clarified. S-(D-CARBOXYBUTYL)-L-HOMOCYSTEINE 35-38 caspase 3 Rattus norvegicus 56-65