PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 12893737-7 2003 The inhibitory effects of 17betaE on PSMCs were abrogated by the downregulation of ERbeta protein expression with selective ERbeta mRNA antisense oligomers, whereas the downregulation of ERalpha had no effect. psmcs 37-42 estrogen receptor 2 Homo sapiens 83-89 12893737-7 2003 The inhibitory effects of 17betaE on PSMCs were abrogated by the downregulation of ERbeta protein expression with selective ERbeta mRNA antisense oligomers, whereas the downregulation of ERalpha had no effect. psmcs 37-42 estrogen receptor 2 Homo sapiens 124-130