PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text compound_name comp_offset prot_official_name organism prot_offset 28130768-5 2017 GUS assay of transgenic A. thaliana plants carrying various AP2 upstream fragments fused to the uidA gene showed that ~200-bp 5" UTR sequences are capable of driving gene expression at low levels in vegetative tissues whereas inclusion of further upstream sequences (~300 bp) enhanced uidA expression comparable to native AP2 expression levels in various tissues including ovules. uida 96-100 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein Arabidopsis thaliana 60-63 323852-6 1977 The map position of lpo was at 36.5 min on the E. coli K12 map, in the order man, uidA, lpo, aroD, pps. uida 82-86 lactoperoxidase Homo sapiens 20-23 28130768-5 2017 GUS assay of transgenic A. thaliana plants carrying various AP2 upstream fragments fused to the uidA gene showed that ~200-bp 5" UTR sequences are capable of driving gene expression at low levels in vegetative tissues whereas inclusion of further upstream sequences (~300 bp) enhanced uidA expression comparable to native AP2 expression levels in various tissues including ovules. uida 96-100 Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein Arabidopsis thaliana 322-325 29466621-7 2016 A 1156 bp promoter fragment of AtCENH3 gene (At1g01370) including the first 111 nucleotides of the coding sequence was amplified and cloned into the pORE-R2 binary vector to ensure translation fusion with the uidA coding sequences. uida 209-213 Histone superfamily protein Arabidopsis thaliana 31-38 25293782-8 2014 When the SMN1/uidA probe ratio was 1:4, the LOD for SMN1 and uidA target were 54.3 and 30.5 fmol, and when the probe ratio was 4:1, the LOD for the above targets were 22.1 and 1260 fmol, respectively. uida 14-18 survival of motor neuron 1, telomeric Homo sapiens 52-56 15221384-8 2004 Using different constructs to drive the uidA (beta-glucuronidase) gene controlled by the 2.7-kb isolated promoter sequence we have proven that the END1 promoter is fully functional in the anthers of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco) and Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. uida 40-44 Bifunctional inhibitor/lipid-transfer protein/seed storage 2S albumin superfamily protein Arabidopsis thaliana 147-151 17965178-6 2007 Ectopic organ formation by N-isobutyl decanamide treatment was related to altered expression of the cell division marker CycB1:uidA and an enhanced expression of the cytokinin-inducible marker ARR5:uidA both in roots and in shoots. uida 198-202 response regulator 5 Arabidopsis thaliana 193-197 11967096-5 2002 In transgenic plants expressing uidA under the control of the NIT3 promoter (NIT3p::uidA), sulphate deprivation leads to the appearance of beta-glucuronidase activity in shoots and particularly in roots, most strongly in the conductive tissues and lateral root primordia. uida 32-36 nitrilase 3 Arabidopsis thaliana 62-66 12783326-0 2003 The small subunit ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase ( ApS) promoter mediates okadaic acid-sensitive uidA expression in starch-synthesizing tissues and cells in Arabidopsis. uida 96-100 ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase small subunit 2 Arabidopsis thaliana 18-47 15255872-6 2004 p35S-driven uidA expression remained high and steady in T2 sgs2 and sgs3 transformants, in marked contrast to the variable expression patterns observed in wild type T2 populations. uida 12-16 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 6 Arabidopsis thaliana 59-63 15255872-6 2004 p35S-driven uidA expression remained high and steady in T2 sgs2 and sgs3 transformants, in marked contrast to the variable expression patterns observed in wild type T2 populations. uida 12-16 XS domain-containing protein / XS zinc finger domain-containing protein-like protein Arabidopsis thaliana 68-72 11967096-5 2002 In transgenic plants expressing uidA under the control of the NIT3 promoter (NIT3p::uidA), sulphate deprivation leads to the appearance of beta-glucuronidase activity in shoots and particularly in roots, most strongly in the conductive tissues and lateral root primordia. uida 32-36 nitrilase 3 Arabidopsis thaliana 77-82 11967096-5 2002 In transgenic plants expressing uidA under the control of the NIT3 promoter (NIT3p::uidA), sulphate deprivation leads to the appearance of beta-glucuronidase activity in shoots and particularly in roots, most strongly in the conductive tissues and lateral root primordia. uida 84-88 nitrilase 3 Arabidopsis thaliana 62-66 11967096-5 2002 In transgenic plants expressing uidA under the control of the NIT3 promoter (NIT3p::uidA), sulphate deprivation leads to the appearance of beta-glucuronidase activity in shoots and particularly in roots, most strongly in the conductive tissues and lateral root primordia. uida 84-88 nitrilase 3 Arabidopsis thaliana 77-82 8125312-1 1994 Part of the open reading frame of uidA, encoding beta-glucuronidase, was sequenced and two differences were found with the previously reported nucleotide sequence [Jefferson et al., Proc. uida 34-38 glucuronidase beta Homo sapiens 49-67