PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text compound_name comp_offset prot_official_name organism prot_offset 26783265-7 2016 Finally upon the switching on of activated K-Ras expression which induces luminal cell filling, ceramide and LacCer are increased. LacCer 109-115 KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase Canis lupus familiaris 43-48 11368158-6 2001 Neutral glycosphingolipids had a lower affinity for A beta 1-40 than gangliosides with the following order of binding strength: Gb4 > asialo-GM1 (GA1) > Gb3 > asialo-GM2 (GA2) = LacCer. LacCer 178-184 AA1 Homo sapiens 52-60 34597626-7 2021 KD of ABCA3 reduced acid/neutral GSL levels, but increased those of LacCer, while KD of ABCB4 preferentially reduced neutral GSL levels, and KD of ABCB10 reduced levels of both neutral and acidic GSLs. LacCer 68-74 ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 3 Homo sapiens 6-11 34597626-9 2021 These results imply that multiple ABC transporters may provide distinct but overlapping GlcCer and LacCer pools within the Golgi lumen for anabolism of different GSL series by metabolic channeling. LacCer 99-105 ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 6 (Langereis blood group) Homo sapiens 34-37