PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text compound_name comp_offset prot_official_name organism prot_offset 6602789-1 1983 An analysis of 239Pu-labelled protein complexes in serum and liver cytosol fractions prepared from rats injected intravenously with 239Pu-citrate indicated that among the possible metal-binding proteins, ferritin, transferrin and metallothionein, 239Pu was bound almost exclusively to transferrin. Plutonium-239 15-20 transferrin Rattus norvegicus 285-296 3836023-5 1985 Factors which influence Fe uptake have a similar effect on Ga. 239Pu uptake and binding, however, are different, especially in that Tf does not stimulate 239Pu uptake and may actually decrease it. Plutonium-239 63-68 transferrin Homo sapiens 132-134 3990535-2 1985 It was shown that the oral route of the entry of appropriate amounts of iron in the body made it possible to saturate the transferrin spare capacity and hence to influence 239Pu metabolism in the blood. Plutonium-239 172-177 transferrin Homo sapiens 122-133 6463206-1 1984 The retention of 239Pu in the lungs of SAS/4 mice following inhalation exposure to sized 239PuO2 particles is described. Plutonium-239 17-22 centromere protein J Mus musculus 39-44 6602789-1 1983 An analysis of 239Pu-labelled protein complexes in serum and liver cytosol fractions prepared from rats injected intravenously with 239Pu-citrate indicated that among the possible metal-binding proteins, ferritin, transferrin and metallothionein, 239Pu was bound almost exclusively to transferrin. Plutonium-239 132-137 transferrin Rattus norvegicus 214-225 31450410-0 2019 Application of new covalently-bound diglycolamide sorbent in sequential injection analysis flow system for sample pretreatment in ICP-MS determination of 239Pu at ppt level. Plutonium-239 154-159 tachykinin precursor 1 Homo sapiens 163-166 15752502-5 2005 It was found that the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in the surface sediments for the Japanese side of the Japan Sea ranged from 0.15 to 0.22. Plutonium-239 28-33 S13 erythroblastosis (avian) oncogene homolog Homo sapiens 106-109 7938468-0 1994 Expression of transforming growth factor alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor in rat lung neoplasms induced by plutonium-239. Plutonium-239 117-130 transforming growth factor alpha Rattus norvegicus 14-46 7938468-0 1994 Expression of transforming growth factor alpha and epidermal growth factor receptor in rat lung neoplasms induced by plutonium-239. Plutonium-239 117-130 epidermal growth factor receptor Rattus norvegicus 51-83 10397446-7 1998 The rate of K-ras mutations in plutonium-induced lung tumors described herein (8%) was greater than previously described in canine plutonium-induced lung tumors (0%), but was less than that which we have described in spontaneous canine lung cancer (16%), less than that reported for human spontaneous non-small cell lung cancer (13-36%) and less than that described in rats with spontaneous lung cancer (40%) or lung tumors following 239Pu inhalation exposure (46%). Plutonium-239 434-439 KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase Canis lupus familiaris 12-17 9715507-13 1998 Thus, both p53+/- and p53+/+ mice were susceptible to 239Pu-induced carcinogenesis, whereas the p53+/- but not the p53+/+ mice were susceptible to Be-induced carcinogenesis. Plutonium-239 54-59 transformation related protein 53, pseudogene Mus musculus 11-14 8606928-0 1996 p53, erbB-2 and K-ras gene alterations are rare in spontaneous and plutonium-239-induced canine lung neoplasia. Plutonium-239 67-80 tumor protein p53 Canis lupus familiaris 0-3 8606928-0 1996 p53, erbB-2 and K-ras gene alterations are rare in spontaneous and plutonium-239-induced canine lung neoplasia. Plutonium-239 67-80 KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase Canis lupus familiaris 16-21 2034786-0 1991 Expression of transforming growth factor alpha in plutonium-239-induced lung neoplasms in dogs: investigations of autocrine mechanisms of growth. Plutonium-239 50-63 protransforming growth factor alpha Canis lupus familiaris 14-46 2009134-0 1991 The molecular progression of plutonium-239-induced rat lung carcinogenesis: Ki-ras expression and activation. Plutonium-239 29-42 KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase Rattus norvegicus 76-82 2328142-1 1990 The binding of the 59Fe and 239Pu complexes of transferrin and 125I labelled transferrin [Tf (125I)] to isolated cell membranes of rat liver has been studied. Plutonium-239 28-33 transferrin Rattus norvegicus 47-58 2328142-1 1990 The binding of the 59Fe and 239Pu complexes of transferrin and 125I labelled transferrin [Tf (125I)] to isolated cell membranes of rat liver has been studied. Plutonium-239 28-33 transferrin Rattus norvegicus 77-88