PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text compound_name comp_offset prot_official_name organism prot_offset 17909629-2 2007 We generated a bronchioalveolar epithelium-specific null mutation of Pten in mice [SP-C-rtTA/(tetO)(7)-Cre/Pten(flox/flox) (SOPten(flox/flox)) mice] that was under the control of doxycycline. sp-c-rtta 83-92 phosphatase and tensin homolog Mus musculus 69-73 19498056-3 2009 METHODS: In SP-C-rtTA; tet(O)Fgf10 double-transgenic mice, lung fibrosis was induced in 2-month-old transgenic mice by subcutaneous delivery of bleomycin (BLM), using an osmotic minipump for 1 week. sp-c-rtta 12-21 fibroblast growth factor 10 Mus musculus 29-34