PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 29288621-8 2018 Genes encoding homeodomain-leucine zipper IV transcription factors (HDG5, HDG10, HDG11 and GLABRA2), which potentially bind phospholipids/sterols, were transcribed aberrantly. Sterols 138-145 HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein Arabidopsis thaliana 91-98 28500265-10 2017 Consistent with the corresponding transcriptional alteration of GL2 targets, high-oil, low-mucilage phenotypes of gl2 were phenocopied in ACBP1+/-smo1-1 Thus, ACBP1 appears to modulate the metabolism of two important lipid classes (FAs and sterols) influencing cellular signaling. Sterols 240-247 HD-ZIP IV family of homeobox-leucine zipper protein with lipid-binding START domain-containing protein Arabidopsis thaliana 114-117