PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 32277787-9 2020 Esrrb and Tfcp2l1 are key downstream targets of LincQ and Sox2, since overexpression of Esrrb and Tfcp2l1 can restore the loss of embryonic stem cell pluripotency that is induced by LincQ depletion. lincq 48-53 estrogen related receptor, beta Mus musculus 0-5 32277787-9 2020 Esrrb and Tfcp2l1 are key downstream targets of LincQ and Sox2, since overexpression of Esrrb and Tfcp2l1 can restore the loss of embryonic stem cell pluripotency that is induced by LincQ depletion. lincq 48-53 estrogen related receptor, beta Mus musculus 88-93