PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 6773954-9 1980 A rapid chromatographic procedure for the separation of methylated lysines and arginines was developed and used to demonstrate that epsilon-trimethyllysine is the radioactive amino acid formed when calmodulin is methylated in vitro. trimethyllysine 132-155 calmodulin 1 Rattus norvegicus 198-208 3700427-10 1986 Three moles of methyl/mol of calmodulin were incorporated into lysine 115 of des(methyl)calmodulin, resulting in the formation of 1 mol of trimethyllysine at the site normally methylated in calmodulins from most species. trimethyllysine 139-154 calmodulin 1 Rattus norvegicus 29-39 3700427-10 1986 Three moles of methyl/mol of calmodulin were incorporated into lysine 115 of des(methyl)calmodulin, resulting in the formation of 1 mol of trimethyllysine at the site normally methylated in calmodulins from most species. trimethyllysine 139-154 calmodulin 1 Rattus norvegicus 88-98