PMID-sentid Pub_year Sent_text comp_official_name comp_offsetprotein_name organism prot_offset 26961960-7 2016 Importantly, dbcAMP and putrescine increase expression of p35, the neuron-specific activator of Cdk5, and rat DRG neurons transduced with HSV overexpressing p35 can overcome inhibition by MAG. Bucladesine 13-19 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus 58-61 26961960-7 2016 Importantly, dbcAMP and putrescine increase expression of p35, the neuron-specific activator of Cdk5, and rat DRG neurons transduced with HSV overexpressing p35 can overcome inhibition by MAG. Bucladesine 13-19 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit 1 Rattus norvegicus 157-160